
11 Ocak 2021 Pazartesi


Restart VSS Writers without a reboot

Having started working in my current IT support role a little over a year ago, I was shocked to discover that the general fix for Windows Server Backup errors caused by failed VSS writers was to reboot the server. I had in my previous role resolved this issue many times by restarting the service that related to the VSS writer. For example the “Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer” failure can be resolved by restarting the “Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management” service (vmms).

A list of failed writers on any given Windows server can be generated by executing the following command from an elevated command prompt:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>vssadmin list writers

For easier reference I personally export the results to a text file using the following:

C:\Windows\system32>vssadmin list writers c:\vsswriters.txt

Once completed you can easily open the generated file in notepad with:

C:\Windows\system32>notepad.exe c:\vsswriters.txt

Using the table below find the service for each VSS Writer that is in a failed state, make a note of each service name.

VSS WriterService NameService Display Name
ASR WriterVSSVolume Shadow Copy
BITS WriterBITSBackground Intelligent Transfer Service
Certificate AuthorityEventSystemCOM+ Event System
COM+ REGDB WriterVSSVolume Shadow Copy
DFS Replication service writerDFSRDFS Replication
DHCP Jet WriterDHCPServerDHCP Server
FRS WriterNtFrsFile Replication
FSRM writersrmsvcFile Server Resource Manager
IIS Config WriterAppHostSvcApplication Host Helper Service
IIS Metabase WriterIISADMINIIS Admin Service
Microsoft Exchange WriterMSExchangeISMicrosoft Exchange Information Store
Microsoft Hyper-V VSS WritervmmsHyper-V Virtual Machine Management
NTDSNTDSActive Directory Domain Services
OSearch VSS WriterOSearchOffice SharePoint Server Search
OSearch14 VSS WriterOSearch14SharePoint Server Search 14
Registry WriterVSSVolume Shadow Copy
Shadow Copy Optimization WriterVSSVolume Shadow Copy
SPSearch VSS WriterSPSearchWindows SharePoint Services Search
SPSearch4 VSS WriterSPSearch4SharePoint Foundation Search V4
SqlServerWriterSQLWriterSQL Server VSS Writer
System WriterCryptSvcCryptographic Services
TermServLicensingTermServLicensingRemote Desktop Licensing
WINS Jet WriterWINSWindows Internet Name Service (WINS)
WMI WriterWinmgmtWindows Management Instrumentation

Using the list of service names complied from the above table restart each of the services, this can be achieved from services.msc or an elevated command prompt.

Right click on the service, and then, on the Action menu, click Restart.

Elevated command prompt
Execute the following to stop the service:

C:\Windows\system32>net stop VSS-SERVICE-NAME

Once stopped the service needs to be restarted with:

C:\Windows\system32>net start VSS-SERVICE-NAME

Once the necessary services have been restarted check the status of the VSS Writers:

C:\Windows\system32>vssadmin list writers

The relevant VSS writers should now show as stable with no Error.